Thursday, January 31, 2008

db 03

i really wanna thank you guys for those that had commented on the pics
to those who have tagged and privately messaging me
thanks man
these are important to me
and i realised
that there are a few pics that i've gotta re-do

4 new pics to share :D
and 1 pic from f





i knw that pre-weds are suppose to be all intimate intimate lovey dovey
and that's where i exactly failed to do
till now, i still don't understand why didn't i voice out more

*tuning to some sad sad sad song*

here's a pic from f
she re-editted my pic
the one bellow, pic no.2
she said that the colors ain't really suitable and all
so she decided to re-edit them for me
well, i can't really debate wif her, or anyone in this case, on color issues
well, for those who don't know, i have partial color blindness
i have deuteranopia
what's that ?
i did a quick search at wikipedia
and found out there are actually 3 different types of colour blindness


This image shows the number 37, but someone who is protanopic may not be able to see it.

- checked -
i can see 37 there


This image shows the number 49, but someone who is deuteranopic may not be able to see it.

- damn it -
i see nothing


This image shows the number 56, but someone who is tritanopic may not be able to see it.

- checked -
can see can see

so what is what ? ?

here is f's version


which one nicer ?
mine or hers ?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

db 02

damn tired
slept pretty late last night
and got up quite early this morning
so now damn tired
tomorrow gotta rise early again
so just 5 pics today aight :)
still in the mids of the processing






shots were posted in random order

Tuesday, January 29, 2008



- just a quick photoshopping in tribute of the late Former President Suharto of Indonesia.


Former President Suharto
June 8, 1921 - January 27,2008

The man who ruled Indonesia for three decades, through harsh, he brought stability and economic growth to Indonesia. Despite all those brutality and corruption, He, I believe, will be well-remembered as the Father of Indonesia.

During his rule, the people prosper at the stake of a poorer country. Today, our people suffer in poverty for the sake of a not much improving country.

Note: The above is purely my opinion, purely me, practicing the freedom of speech

Rest In Peace Pak Suharto

am still in the mids of editing the pre-wed pic
not done yet
and am a bit busy today
project project project

Monday, January 28, 2008

first, db

yesterday was one tiring day man
nevertheless, i gotta admit it was fun
anyway, not really in the mood to do much editing
so will just share a few pix from yesterday

i had my very first ever
a so called informal, unofficial pre-wedding shoot
my friend is getting married
and she had asked me to shoot on her wedding day
sadly, it falls right in the middle of my next holiday
thus, i can't be there
so i simply suggested to them
what if i just shoot ur pre-wed in exchange ?
well, of course they are gonna have their pre-wed shoot again with a much more professional photographer
frankly, i told her that this will be my first
they gave me a chance nevertheless
and i truly appreciate it

so how did i do ?
well, i haven't really browse through all the pix cause i shot in raw
and the acdsee i'm using doesn't allow me to view raw files right away
i'm using adobe lightroom to view them
and this virus-infected laptop ( i suspect, cause it's performing damn slow already ) doesn't give me the speed to hold my patience down to view them one by one
so what i do is just click one pic
transfer to photoshop cs3 for final processing again
and so i've only seen those that i've editted
and so far only 4 pics
coz am rather busy these few days

anyway, share 3 pics


yeah, i'm sharing the later shots
the ones at night

and, just wanna ask
is this one better


or this one ?


which one to give them ?
personally i prefer the first one

well, more of them tomorrow

ps: a really huge thank you to for helping me with my flyer design last night
owe u a meal man bro, thanks a lot !

Sunday, January 27, 2008

the gadgets family

posted a few my of my camera family before
and so here's the update

on the 20th of december 2006
at approximately 20:20
i had my very first dslr
dad and i went to Archa, a photography shop at Medan Fair
and i got the 400D which i still dearly love till today


soon, i bought the BG-E3 here in singapore to give it more power

10 months later
on the very same day
20th October 2007
i received my very first "real" prize from a photography competition
prior to this, i've had one of my picture published in a local tabloid already back in medan
but the pay was crappy
so this was my real prize


the canon powershot g9 which still continue to amaze me till now
like how it could grab a moon shot


pretty powerful eh ?

the companion first lens for the 400D was of course the kit lens
the Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5 - f/5.6
which i forgotten to shoot !
coz i was shooting half of the pics here using that lens

anyway, then
the very first lens i purchase was this


the so called "a must have lens"
the "murah meriah" lens
the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8

soon, without much research,
i went on to buy another lens


which till now i'm still using
and am yes, happily using it
the Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-5.6 II
was my general purpose lens for quite a long time
the lens that's mostly attached to the body of my camera for quite same time
brought it to bali and practically shot the entire trip using this lens only

the next lens i got myself was


after much savings
i then purchased the heavenly macro lens from canon
Canon MACRO EF 100mm f/2.8
and that was when my macro-ing really began
soon, all the splashes followed too

i got myself a speedlite after the macro lens


the Canon speedlite 580EX
amazing speedlite

and of course along the way
i got myself a few of these too


the next lens was then sponsored by dad
who happier and prouder than i actually am on winning the Canon Photomarathon 2007
so it's actually a gift


and thanks to dad
this lens has been always on my 400D since its purchase
it's always with me to every outing i went
except the thaipusam one though
i abuse its wideness in my previous sibolga and brastagi trip
and the abusing will continue more more more

er...ok phones

it's usual for most indonesian here in singapore to carry two phones
one for the singapore number
and the other one will be for their indo number
and so do i

carrying my singapore number will be the


sony ericsson w580i

while my indo number is carried by


the lg chocolate

and the thing that's always accompanying me wherever i go is


simply love it

and all these plus my ASUS laptop
are the things that i'd say
i can't live without

Saturday, January 26, 2008

thaipusam 2008 final a really important shoot tomorrow
so just gonna make this quick :)

i think the second part of this is a much more better ones











no flash were used at all
all ambient light
gotta run

Friday, January 25, 2008

thaipusam 2008 part 1

so, finally something more up-to-date
less than a week ago was the thaipusam festival
a hindu festival celebrated mostly by the tamils community on the full moon in the tamil month


shot quite a lot of pics
100 over
well, not so bad comparing to the me a year ago
where i'd shoot more than 200 plus shots per outing
that's a significant decrease i'd say
meaning yes, i've improved
been wanting to shoot just the necessary for a while
thou there's still some technical disappointment of the 100 over pics
i'm quite happy that i've decreased the number of shutters i'd fire


if it weren't because there were so many people there
there won't be the slight blurred distraction at the top right there



aight, just pics time


i've managed to reduce to 20 shots for the blog
so there'll be two part for the thaipusam :)






why do their eyes seem so empty one ah ?
most of them seems to have that empty stare
like no emotion

more tomorrow :)

oh yeah, i've bought something to add in my equipment gadgets !

Thursday, January 24, 2008


so sheepy now
i wanna moo...


went to chinatown again a while ago
hermm...seems like i keep on re-visiting the places i've been so many times again and again
but well, this is singapore

been sometime since i hit the east side of singapore thou
gotta plan an outing there soon !

anyway, ended up shooting these instead
well, go tune ur sad sad song on
then will have more emotion on these


u know if i'm not this sheepy
i'm sure to create a storyline on these pics
but now...a bit slow alreadi the brain
just enjoy the pics :)





and my fav shot of the day


is this how the old live in singapore ?
i just can't believe it
