Thursday, September 01, 2005

principles of management

okay...i'm lazy to write already.wanna save the power for tml mun., i type, the classified principles of management

i expect a god damn long entry


itunes is playing - wuding, jay chou feat landy wen



Management, can be defined as the process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through and with other people. Effectively here means doing the RIGTH things, ensuring that goals are achieved which is definitely more important than doing things right, the efficiency, achieving maximum results with minimum resources. This is so because in my opinion if you do the right thing but you do it wrongly the ending result will be like using minimum resources to get a minimum results too for you did not achieve the objective of whatever you're doing. However, a great manager will need to be able to get things done both effectively and efficiently by the use of the management theories which will be discuss later on.

What do managers do then ?
Mintzberg's management roles grouped managers roles under 3 catagories.

Firstly, the interpersonal roles. Where managers are able to relate with people inside and outside of the organisation. The roles include :
a Figurehead, a symbolic head in social and legal situations.
a Leaders who hires,trains and motivates the employee of the organisation
a Liasion, who contacts and maintains network with external sources.

Then, the informational roles. Where managers recieve and collect information from outside sources, they act as :
a Monitor, who checks and analyses information from news reports or contacts regularly and relate them to the business
a Disseminator, who holds meetings and makes phone calls to relay information within the organisation.
a Spokeperson, who gives information to media via press conferences and board meetings

Lastly, the Decisional roles. Where managers make decision. They are :
the Entrepreneur, managers who seek opportunities, initiates and oversees new projects.
the Disturbance handler, who handles crisis by setting new directions and coming up with new corrective actions.
the Resource allocator, managers who allocate all kinds of resoursces, be it the human, physical or monetary resource by scheduling, authorising, programming and budgeting.
the Negotiator, who discusses and bargains with other groups to gain advantages for the organisation.


man this sux
this looks more like a report.
u can stop readin here man


To be an effective and efficient manager, they have to possess the skill of conceptual competencies, human competencies, technical competencies and political competencies.

The revolutionary waves that has bring us to the information age due to cultural diversity, globalisation, technological advancement, social demands ( social expectation ) and the growing entrepreneurial spirit has challenges managers to adapt and be more understandable to differences.

They have to be able to empower and coach their employee both because of the employee themselves and the increasing social demands. This is so because, the employees today are mostly highly skilled and experienced. They have to be given a sense of belonging to the company itself. Empowering is the answer. Great management is about helping others to succeed and achieve great results by helping them develop knowledge and skills and encourage initiative, motivation, creativity , risktaking, and pride of personal job ownership. Customers today wants efficiency, they want things fast and right. Thus, employee have to be able to make decision themselves, not relying to their supervisor as much.


aww man...i cannot take it anymore, my head gonna burst !
itunes playing - jian dan ai, chou jie lun


Planning, the very first step to organising, directing and controlling of employees. It's defined as organisational goals, establishing an overall strategy and developing step-by-step plans to coordinate the activities involved in reaching them. By doing so, you provides direction, reduces the impact of change, minimizes waste and redundancy and also set the standard to faciliate control. However, effective planning have to be flexible to face the dynamic change of it's environment, both externally and internally. For planning can create rigidity, replace intuition and creativity of employees, focuses manager's attention on today's competition and not the future's and also it reinforces success, which may be a unrealistic.

Planning compromises of :

Strategic planning that goes hand in hand with Tactical planning. Strategic planning, a long term, directional and a standing plan, usually for 5 or more years, they apply to the entire organisation, establishing the overall objectives and position the oraganisation in terms of its environment. Everyday problems will be faced by Tactical planning which is more limited in scope and specify details of how the objectives should be achieved, a short term, specific and usually single use plan.


i'm only half done dude, can u take it ?


MBO, management by objective. A highly recommended type of management in the today's world. It's a system in which specific performance objectives are jointly set by employees and their managers who periodically review their progress toward the set objectives and reward them accordingly. They works by converting overall objectives into specific objectives that cascade down to various organisational units and individual members. The process also works from bottom up as lower elvel managers also jointly set goals with employees. Thus, objectives are all linked throughout the organisation, allowing each employee to make specific and identifiable contribution.

Well, every goals will have to be specific and clear to the employees working for them, or else, how would they know what exactly to do ? Thus, MBO's objectives has to be specific, concise and tangile. It also has to come from the employees themselves, participating in decision - making within a certain given time and a performance feedback for continous appraisal. On the other hand of the greatness of MBO, they may be too quantity focused, not quality. Individual achievement seems to be promoted here rather than team effort. This cannot happen, or it'll seems like each and every different employees are fighting among themselves, even from the same department. It'll be disastrous. The objectives may also be viewed as ceilings and after they are achieved, employees may simply 'lepak', hence hampering their potential and continous improvement. Unrealisted, overly demanding goals may pressure and stress the employees. However, there's always a solution to every problem. This can be solved by, setting multiple goals and continue with ongoing goal setting so employees will not lepak once one goal is achieved. The top gun has to ensure that both quantity and quality has to be pursued and regularly review and update both objectives and result so the employee knows where they stand at that given time. Lastly, reward those who dare to set more ambitious goals even though they may not be fully achieved. Nobody wants to work for nothing. Nothing is free today :)

As a conclusion, MBO emphasises the interpersonal skills of discussion, goal setting and reviewing.


i really don't think anyone will continue reading, i'm doing this for the pleasure of myself :)
itunes' dead
basket, nothing is coming in my brain anymore...

8 steps in goal setting for MBO
- identify an employee's key tasks
- establish specific and challenging goals for each key task
- specify the deadlines for each goal
- allow the employee to actively participate
- prioritise goals
- rate goals for difficulty and importance
- build in feedback mechanisms to assess goal progress
- link rewards to goal attainment

Lastly in planning is the SWOT 'anal'ysis. It's an analysis of the Strenght, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of the organistaion by matching the firm's internal resources and those that avail in the marketplace, it would be in a better position to establish strategic niches that the company can exploit and hence make plans to achieve them. An organisation may reassess its mission and objectives after completing a SWOT 'anal'ysis.


man fucgh


Decision making process is done by :
- idenfication of problem
- idenfication of decision criteria
- allocation of weights to criteria
- development of alternatives
- analysis of alternatives
- selection of an alternative
- implementation of the alternative
- evalutaion of decision effectiveness


10 mins break


i'm so dead


Well, managers have to make decision that are satisfactory and sufficient. Usually, how they do it is influenced by their self-interest, the organisation's culture, internal politics and his / her power of consideration. However, sometimes in the nick of time, managers made errors in decision making. A few of their common errors for judgemental shortcuts are using only information that is readily available, predict future based on past records of similar or familiar situations and they 'stay on course' despite the negative feedback to avoid admitting immediate defeat.

Individuals differ in their personal decision-making styles depending on how they think and their level of tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty. Thus, management has come out with 4 different styles of making decisions. The said so are :
1. Directive - rational / low tolerance for ambiguity. They are logical, dislike ambiguity, efficient and tend to make fast decisions for the short run.
2. Analytical - rational / high tolerance for ambiguity. They comfront ambiguity by getting complete information, considering many alternatives.
3. Conceptual - intuitive / high tolerance for ambiguity. They look at 'big picture' and look for many alternative, prefer creative solutions for the long run.
4. Behavioural - intuitive / low tolerance for ambiguity. They work well with others, open to suggestions and people oriented.

Decisions make in groups are more complete in information, knowledge and have a diverse views and ideas. The result will be of better quality decisions. More brains work better than one. There will be an increased in commitment since more people will heat up the subject and there will be less resistance in implementation because the team has all agreed on the chosen alternative. On the other hand, however, decisions make in groups will be time-consuming, hence less efficient. It's also of a minority dominance because only a selected few can participate in them. There will be pressure to conform and it's groupthink. Responsibility is also ambiguous. To overcome them, brainstrom for ideas to encourage many different alternatives. Use nominal groups instead, to have the presense of all members, each to come up with problems and solutions independently and for efficiently, we can use technological help by having electronic meetings and video conferencing to save time for travel and enable member to work in their comfort zone ( their home ).


pheww...i really hope i can chunk all those in man
k...i think it's long enuff...
another half more

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