so yeah
went to the bird park
finally decided to force myself to go out and shoot
been some time really
and i really needed the time
finally took the 7d out as well
and i think i need some time to get use to it
a few buttons at different places
and it kinda slowed me down
either that
or i'm really getting rusty
let's talk a little regarding the 7d
colour information wise
i feel there's quite a difference with my 50d
some turned out differently as i thought it'd come out
may be because of the new auto lighting optimizer or something
tried the acclaimed new al servo mode and i thought it was pretty quite amazing
but then again, i'm not an al servo shooter and never had been
even when shooting birds in flight,
i've always been a one shot shooter
so can't really say much
just thought it was quite an ease shooting with al servo
noise control wise,
i'm astonished really
the pictures you are about to see
are all shot at ISO higher than 800
throughout the very cloudily gloomy day
i shot with ISO ranging from 1000, 1600 and all the way up to 6400
and so we shall see what's 6400 look like much later
the following pictures
are shot at ISO 1000 - 1600
the first picture with some noise was intended
i added then intentionally for its feel so can take that pic out of judgement
enjoy :)

almost noiseless man
and i'm amazed