Friday, July 11, 2008

Aceh Day 4 Part 1 + purchases

i know this was supposed to be my last post from Aceh but then i kinda got quite busy these few days..

my mum came over and left this morning
today i went out the whole entire day and went off to buy some more stuff that got me really excited and then i am moving my pictures from my hard disks, re-organizing them coz i want to dedicate one for my time machine which i had yet to use so my files are like currently on the move from one hard disk to the other and i don't wanna access them so it'd be done faster
over some 85gb worth of files are on the move right now... =O

went to school to pay the school fee today, after that continue off to buy 3 new things today

first thing i bought :


then 2nd thing i bought :



and the last purchase of the day was :



4 quick pictures from the morning of my 4th and last morning in Aceh





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